Bulletin: Economic Outlook Oct 2022


The final quarter of 2022 and 2023 will be challenging as economic and political headwinds are increasing. Recession risks are rising as consumer and industrial confidence indicators are plummeting. Inflation is currently on a 40-year high but will moderate in 2023 because of base effects and tighter monetary policy. Supply chain risk is still above pre-pandemic levels but has fallen in recent months with maritime shipping costs dropping (also linked to the weaker economic outlook).

Find out more in this 12 page bulletin.

The final quarter of 2022 and 2023 will be challenging as economic and political headwinds are increasing. Recession risks are rising as consumer and industrial confidence indicators are plummeting. Inflation is currently on a 40-year high but will moderate in 2023 because of base effects and tighter monetary policy. Supply chain risk is still above pre-pandemic levels but has fallen in recent months with maritime shipping costs dropping (also linked to the weaker economic outlook).

Find out more in this 12 page bulletin.

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