Beyond Boundaries: Inside Baker Ing's Prague Summit

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Inside Baker Ing's Prague Summit

At Baker Ing, our annual global meetups are a cherished tradition, bringing our decentralised team together to celebrate achievements and strategize the future. Our latest gathering in the historic and vibrant city of Prague was a testament to the commitment and teamwork which the team demonstrates every day. This event provided a vital opportunity for team members who usually connect remotely to meet in person, fostering stronger bonds and alignment.

We firmly believe that we stand at the forefront of a paradigm shift in managing high-value and sensitive accounts receivable. Our approach is underpinned by a commitment to precision, expertise, and most importantly, adaptability to the unique demands of each client. It’s a sophisticated service, delivered with an assurance of discretion and efficacy that only a dedicated innovator in the field can provide.

In doing so, we thrive on the vast opportunities presented by a world without walls, and it’s this philosophy which has helped to forge our very operational model—a deliberate and strategic embrace of remote working that harnesses the power of technology and the best minds in credit management, regardless of their physical location.

This is not a mere trend of the digital age; it is a thoughtful operationalisation of efficiency and expertise, ensuring we are always within reach, ready to serve our clients with speed and agility. It is this unique combination of global reach and personal touch that sets us apart, providing our clients with a service that is as reliable as it is revolutionary.

Prague in Focus: A Day of Insights and Innovation

Our latest event in Prague commenced with a relaxed gathering at the Don Giovanni Hotel, where the team enjoyed a light buffet and casual conversations, setting a collaborative tone for the day. Following the meal, we convened in the hotel’s conference suite for a series of workshops and brainstorming sessions, including an insightful session from our economist, Markus Kuger, bringing the wider team fully up to date with global developments. We also delved into current projects and explored innovative approaches to managing our clients’ accounts, interspersed with coffee breaks, enjoying the Prague skyline and a lot of conversation.

Post-workshop, the team moved on to the Vinohradsky Parliament for a well-deserved dinner, where the relaxed atmosphere encouraged deeper personal connections and shared reflections on the day’s learnings. The evening culminated at the Puerto Rico Cafe & Cocktail Bar, where we enjoyed the specially crafted “Baker Ing Cocktail,” celebrating the day’s successes and the strengthening bonds.

The ideas refined and developed in Prague are already enhancing our service delivery, with clients benefiting from the team’s alignment and invigorated approach. It was another great day which reaffirmed our commitment to operational excellence and client satisfaction but, also, celebrated the diverse and talented individuals who make our success possible.

Remote Power: Baker Ing’s Global Impact

By harnessing remote expertise, we position ourselves to offer clients a team that combines global reach with local insight. This model ensures that each project is handled by the most suitable experts, who bring both detailed regional knowledge and specialised skills to the table. This strategic deployment of resources is key in effectively managing the high-value and sensitive accounts that our clients entrust to us.

Recognising the geographic spread of our team, we carefully design meetups to reinforce strategic alignment, ensuring that despite the physical distances, our mission, goals, and tactics remain in perfect sync. The events facilitate face-to-face discussions, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas and fostering a shared understanding. Moreover, they are pivotal in reinforcing our culture of collaboration and transparency. It’s an opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level, which is essential for building trust and reinforcing the bond that ties our global operations together. This enhanced team cohesion helps us maintain the high standards of service that clients have come to expect from us.

The collaborative and diverse environment fostered by our model directly translates into tangible benefits for clients. The approach harnesses the collective intelligence of a globally distributed team, allowing us to quickly adapt to the changing dynamics of international markets and regulations. Such agility is vital in a commercial environment where understanding both global trends and local nuances can make a significant difference to outcomes.

For our clients, this means a service that is innovative and deeply informed by a broad spectrum of economic, cultural, and regulatory insight. Each account strategy is meticulously crafted to maximise recovery rates whilst adhering to the highest standards of compliance and ethical standards. The result is a service that not only meets but often surpasses client expectations, providing peace of mind and the assurance that receivables are managed effectively and with integrity.


As we reflect on an inspiring gathering in Prague, we extend a heartfelt thank you to every member of our team whose dedication makes these events so successful. Special appreciation goes to Claire Goode and also Alfredo Lopomo, whose local knowledge was invaluable in organising this memorable day. Prague, with its rich history and vibrant culture, provided the perfect backdrop for our strategic discussions and team bonding.

Our global meet-ups are not only enjoyable but pivotal, reinforcing strategy and amplifying our team’s potential. They are celebrations of our collective achievements and dynamic forums for innovation and forward-thinking.

The events underscore our commitment to ensuring that every member of our decentralised team is aligned and fully engaged in our mission to deliver unparalleled service.

We invite you to engage with our team and experience first-hand how Baker Ing’s unique approach to remote teamwork and client service can revolutionise your receivables.

Where should our next global meet-up be? Let us know in the comments! We’re excited to see your suggestions.

International Team Conference: Embracing Remote Work for Better Receivables Management

Baker Ing, is known for shaking up the receivables management sector, and one of the ways the company has distinguished itself is through our innovative approach to leveraging remote work for exceptional service delivery.

Recently, the company organised our bi-annual team conference, this time in Malta, bringing together its global workforce for an invaluable opportunity to connect, collaborate, and exchange insights. We would like to share key learnings from this event and delve more into how we continue to deliver exceptional results for our clients in this way.




In recent years, the global trend towards remote work has been steadily gaining momentum, significantly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While remote work solutions present both advantages and challenges, companies like Baker Ing have strategically harnessed the benefits since inception, prior to the necessity brought about by the pandemic – being designed from day one to deliver outstanding services in this way.


The Remote Structure of Baker Ing

At the core of Baker Ing's innovative approach to receivables management is this remote work model, which leverages technology to enable seamless global collaboration. The company has successfully created a network of professionals from diverse backgrounds and locations, united by their commitment to providing top-notch services to clients. This remote work model is supported by an array of digital tools and platforms, which facilitate communication, project management, and file sharing.

One of the key advantages of remote work is access to this diverse pool of talent. By removing geographical constraints, the company can recruit highly skilled professionals from across the globe, resulting in a workforce enriched by a multitude of perspectives, experiences, and expertise. This diversity not only fosters innovation but also enables the company to better understand and address the unique needs of our clients, who are spread across different continents and industries.

Remote work also offers flexibility, both for the employees and the company. This flexibility enables us to adapt more quickly to changing market conditions and client needs, thereby maintaining an edge in the dynamic landscape of receivables management. Our global network of professionals allows for faster response times as we allocate resources more efficiently and assign tasks to team members in different time zones, ensuring that work progresses around the clock. This rapid response to client needs is crucial in a fast-paced commercial environment, where timely action can make a significant difference in recovery rates and client satisfaction.

The diverse team at Baker Ing is also well-equipped to develop tailored solutions for clients, addressing their specific requirements and challenges. The company's remote communications infrastructure facilitates the exchange of ideas and best practices among team members from different backgrounds and regions, fostering innovation and creativity in designing client-specific strategies for their receivables.

Finally, working in this way enhances communication with our clients. The company utilises a range of digital tools and platforms to ensure our clients are well-informed and involved in the decision-making process. These tools enable clients to communicate with the Baker Ing team in real-time, receive regular updates on their projects, and access important documents and data at their convenience.

In summary, Baker Ing's remote work model is at the core of our commercial model and serves as a competitive advantage. By harnessing technology to enable global collaboration, the company has access to a diverse pool of talent, can offer cost-efficient solutions, and a scalable, flexible service. These benefits translate into faster response times, tailored solutions, and enhanced communication for clients, ensuring exceptional service delivery.



The Malta Conference

Recognising the importance of face-to-face interactions, especially for remote teams, Baker Ing recently organised our bi-annual international team conference, this time in Malta. The event brought together the company's remote workforce, providing an invaluable opportunity for team members to connect, share knowledge, and foster collaboration. The objectives of the conference were threefold: building connections among team members, enhancing knowledge sharing, and promoting collaboration across the organisation.

We conducted workshops designed to further enhance the skillset of Baker Ing's credit professionals. These workshops covered a range of topics relevant to the receivables management industry, such as new technologies, legal and regulatory updates, negotiation techniques, and cross-cultural communication. The workshops provided an interactive learning environment for participants, allowing them to exchange experiences, discuss challenges, and explore solutions together.

In addition to workshops, the conference featured discussions and presentations by industry experts and Baker Ing team members. These sessions addressed various aspects of receivables management, from best practices and case studies to emerging trends and innovations. By facilitating an open dialogue on these topics, we encouraged team members to learn from one another, share their insights, and develop a deeper understanding of the industry landscape.

The conference also included several team-building activities, designed to strengthen interpersonal relationships among team members and cultivate a sense of camaraderie. Such experiences are essential for remote teams, as they help to build a strong foundation for effective collaboration, even when team members are geographically dispersed.

A key theme that emerged during the conference was the importance of face-to-face interactions for remote teams. While digital tools and platforms are invaluable for enabling communication and collaboration among remote team members, they cannot entirely replace the benefits of in-person encounters. Face-to-face interactions facilitate deeper connections, promote trust, and create a sense of belonging within the team, ultimately contributing to a more engaged and productive workforce.

The Malta conference served as a reminder that by investing in such events, Baker Ing demonstrates our commitment to creating a supportive and collaborative work environment, where team members can thrive both professionally and personally. This emphasis on nurturing a connected, engaged workforce ultimately translates into superior service delivery for our clients, as a well-functioning team is better equipped to tackle their complex challenges.




Best Practices for Managing a Remote Team

Drawing from insights and lessons gleaned, we would like to share some best practices for managing a remote team. These practices are essential for companies whose remote work structure relies on effective communication, collaboration, and employee engagement to ensure success in receivables management.

  1. Effective communication and collaboration strategies: To maintain productivity and efficiency, remote teams must develop a robust communication system. Regular check-ins, either individually or in groups, help keep team members aligned and informed about ongoing projects and tasks. Video conferencing is a powerful tool for remote collaboration, as it allows for real-time discussions and enables participants to read non-verbal cues, fostering a more authentic connection. Additionally, utilising project management tools, such as Teams, Trello, Asana, or Basecamp, can help teams organise and track tasks, deadlines, and resources, ensuring that projects remain on schedule and all team members are held accountable.
  2. Fostering a strong company culture and employee engagement: A positive company culture is essential for remote teams, as it instils a sense of belonging and purpose among team members. Companies should focus on defining and communicating their core values and mission, ensuring that remote employees feel connected to the organisation's broader goals. Regular team meetings, virtual social events, and opportunities for professional development can help maintain employee engagement and create a sense of camaraderie, even when team members are geographically dispersed.
  3. Work-life balance and mental well-being: Remote work can blur the lines between professional and personal life, making it crucial for both employees and managers to prioritise work-life balance. Encouraging employees to establish a dedicated workspace, set boundaries between work and personal time, and schedule regular breaks can help prevent burnout and maintain mental well-being. Managers should also promote a culture of trust and empathy, regularly checking in with team members to discuss any challenges they may be facing and offering support where needed.

Managing a remote team effectively requires a combination of clear communication, collaboration strategies, a strong company culture, and a focus on employee well-being. By applying the insights and lessons learned, we ensure that remote workers remain engaged, productive, and committed to delivering exceptional service. With the right strategies and tools in place, remote teams can thrive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape, unlocking new opportunities for growth and success.


How Baker Ing's Remote Structure Translates into Better Service for Clients

In an increasingly globalised and interconnected world, Baker Ing's remote structure provides a distinct advantage for clients seeking customised and efficient receivables management services. By harnessing the power of technology and leveraging the benefits of remote work, we offer a unique value proposition with particular emphasis on the importance of linguistic skills and cultural understanding.

The remote structure allows the company to tap into a global talent pool, ensuring that clients receive the best possible expertise tailored to their specific needs. By eliminating the constraints of a traditional office environment, Baker Ing provides round-the-clock support, with team members in various time zones working collaboratively to deliver efficient and timely solutions. Furthermore, the company's ability to access and leverage specialised expertise from remote professionals, including those with the required linguistic skills and cultural understanding, enables the creation of bespoke strategies that cater to individual client requirements.

In addition, having such a diverse team, comprising members from different backgrounds, cultures, and areas of expertise, fosters innovation and creativity within the organisation. Research has shown that diverse teams are more likely to generate novel ideas, challenge established norms, and identify potential blind spots. At Baker Ing, this diversity of thought is invaluable when devising customised receivables management solutions, as it allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges faced by each client.

Moreover, our diverse team facilitates better communication with clients from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds, further enhancing the overall service experience. Linguistic skills and cultural understanding are crucial in facilitating prompt payments. By having team members who possess the necessary language capabilities and cultural knowledge, Baker Ing navigates complex communication barriers, negotiates more effectively, and ultimately improves the likelihood of securing timely payments from debtors. We are able to develop tailored strategies that take into account the specific cultural nuances and legal frameworks of each jurisdiction, with in-country professionals fully immersed in such developments.

We recognise the importance of investing in our employee's professional growth and development, as well as promoting a culture of continuous improvement. This commitment ensures that our team remain up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices in receivables management. By equipping our remote workforce with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources – including linguistic and cultural expertise – we maintain consistently high standards of service delivery.



Baker Ing's remote work structure offers significant advantages for clients seeking exceptional receivables management services, particularly in the international context. By leveraging the benefits of remote work, a diverse team with varied linguistic skills and cultural understanding, and a strong commitment to employee development and continuous improvement, Baker Ing is positioned to meet the unique challenges and opportunities of the globalised business landscape.